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145 2025-01-25 11:22

the elephone man:

the story was written by Vicry in America.

it's about a freak who was named Joseph Maric ,he was half elephone and half naked.

He had works in a freak show,but he's a innocent monster,and he loved the other nomal human.

Although,the nomal human were all hate him ,laughing at him,

beating him up,and kicking him down.

Unbeliveable,yah had thought he should slaied everybody in this story for revenge,and became a powerful demon.


the tale of two Cities

the story is about a pair of young twins brothers:

their parents had killed by evil man when they were litter boys,and they lost each other,until they fell in love with the same girl.

And the one who the girl hated ,get into jail and changed places with his twin brother who will be execute by their evil enemy who had killed their parents and tried to killed them too.

At last,the twin who the girl loved married with the girl,and the other twin had killed by their wicked eneymy.

the silly story was writed by Charles Dickens,and expressed the sentimen——If a guy fall in love with a silly slut,he have to allow the birch loved anyone else,and bless them like a stupid coward ,and the weak idior guy have to ready to die for their happy ending and their happy honey moon.

Yes,of course he's silly,might be the Queen Vidolia pushed them to do this.If they didn't obey,Queen Vidolia will execute them.


La dame aux Camélias

The story was about a Franch whore who named Magorite.

Magorite was some rich old guy 's consort .

she treated everybody ,

and traded everybody ,

for earn the money.

but somehow,the silly girl fell in love with a silly young rich guy who named Amen,he loved her,and so did she.

he persuaded her to leave Paris and merry with him.

she obey,promised and swore.

but Amen's evil father didn't allow.So,he gave Magorite lots of money and lots of tears and order her left.

Magorite took the money ,obey the evil father-in-law in fututure.

so Amen hate her ,and din't not touch her or crush her again when he met her in Paris again.

at last,Magorite dead,her money was taken by some evil man.

and Amen know the truth at length, he hate his father,and sad forever.


The King Arthur

In Scotland ,there was a lord's sideslip,he was King Arthur.

he had raised a sword which no one could raise,he has 12 brave knights,they lead the army to destroy his enemy's contries.

He had a wizard friend——old Merlin .

And the lady from lake bless him.

Then King Arthur killed his step brother,became a king,and rape his step sister Mogena,he said she was a witch ,and her servents girl were witch too,the son of he and Mogena was one of the 12 knights.

And in the 12 knights,there was a handsome guy who named Sir Lancelote,Lancelote had raped Mogena and King Arthur's wife Gevinia.

Mogena was raped by the dark knight,when Sir Lancelote kicked her ass.

Then,Mogena sent the most beautiful witch of her :Vivian,she had killed wizard Merlin on bed.

King Arthur was very angry for his dirty wife,so he tried to killed the slut and Sir Lancelote,Sir Lancelote eloped with the slut,at length,Sir Lancelote killed her and surrendered.

King Arthur forgived him,and allowed him joined his army again.


The fall of the Uther's Heights

it's a scary story that was written by the greatest American man Edgar.Ellen.Pot .

Well,once upon time,there was a man,he came to visit his best friend Uthe.

Uthe's own sister was a strange werid lady,so,their family buried her when she was still alive. The wicked house keeper and the evil doctor was very pleasure to see their mistrss had gone.

but lady Uthe didn't like to be treated like that,she crushed her own coffin ,left her grave ,and walked into her house ,at last,she killed her own brother Uthe,and burned down their own house.


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